When the US government concludes you are in the country illegally or breached the terms of your status, it may place you in deportation proceedings.
These proceedings are how the government determines whether non-US citizens have the legal right to come to or stay in the US. One of the first steps in the process is the master calendar hearing, or master hearing, in immigration court. The master calendar hearing is your first chance to declare why you should not be deported from the country.
Being scheduled for a master calendar hearing can feel distressing. Many noncitizens do not know where to begin when faced with tight legal terms and the possible upheaval of their lives.
The dedicated immigration attorneys at The Law Office of Elisa Kumadey are here to help. We have extensive experience in deportation protection, helping noncitizens assess their options, and designing a protection strategy that works for your situation.
Please call +1 214-997-1758 or send us a mail thru legal@ekdnet.law today for assistance.
Before the Master Calendar Hearing
To schedule you for a master calendar hearing, the government must have a reason to conclude that you are in the country with illegal immigration status or that you violated the terms of your status.
The government provides the reason in the Notice to Appear (I-862), which also serves as formal notice that the government is commencing deportation proceedings against you. The government may provide you with the notice in person or by mail.
The Purpose of the Master Calendar Hearing
Master hearings “are held for pleadings, scheduling, and other similar matters.” In other words, the master hearing is where the government informs you about the removal process and gives you a chance to respond.
You schedule the next step in the deportation proceedings and declare what legal claims you have to stop the government from deporting you.
At the Master Calendar Hearing
Usually, the master hearing begins with the judge informing you of your rights during deportation proceedings, including:
The court ensures you understand your Notice to Appear, with an attorney for the government explaining the reasons behind the notice. You then have the chance to tell the government why you should not be deported.
Some defenses to deportation include the following:
After you enter your pleadings, meaning you admit or deny the charges in the Notice to Appear and tell the court why you should not be removed, the court schedules your next hearing and sets deadlines. The master hearing is usually quick, often lasting between five and twenty minutes, depending on the circumstances.
How to Prepare for a Master Hearing in Immigration Court
The best way to prepare for a master calendar hearing is to hire an immigration attorney. Discussing the details of your case with them will allow the attorney to decide how to respond to the charges against you. Your attorney will handle most of the technical aspects of preparing for the hearing in consultation with you.
Ensure you know where the hearing will take place, and request an interpreter if needed. On the day of the hearing, arrive early and dress in professional attire.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who Attends the Master Calendar Hearing?
The noncitizen the government has charged with being deportable, the noncitizen’s attorney, an attorney for the Department of Homeland Security, and an immigration judge attend the master hearing.
Can You Be Deported at a Master Calendar Hearing?
You generally cannot be deported at a master calendar hearing. The only way to be deported based on a master calendar hearing is if you do not attend. If you fail to show, you can be ordered deported “in absentia” without a chance to respond to the charges against you.
What Happens After the Master Calendar Hearing?
After the master hearing, you will have an individual hearing where you can present your defenses to deportation.
An Experienced Immigration Lawyer Can Help You Prepare
Navigating the US immigration system is complicated, even when you are not facing the pressures of deportation. The laws surrounding immigration are dense and complex, and it can be difficult to know what to do when you are scheduled for a master hearing in immigration court.
The immigration attorneys at The Law Office of Elisa Kumadey are passionate about helping our clients understand their options and working with them to put together the best defense to deportation.
Call +1 214-997-1758 or send us a mail thru legal@ekdnet.law today to learn more about how we can help you.